Our other camp will be run at the end of August, til around Labor Day. Link coming soon!
Summer Chess Camp In Paoli, June 20-24
Instructors – International Master Tom Bartell & Leteef Street from the Delaware Valley Chess Company
IM Bartell and I will be running half day summer camps during the week of June 20-24 at the Main Line Chess and Games store in Paoli. Each camp is 5 days; sign up for the Morning or Afternoon camp.
Morning camp: 9am – 12pm
Afternoon camp: 1pm – 4pm
We will be giving lessons on chess strategy, reviewing student games and faciliating fun formal and informal chess competitions and activities.
Space is limited to 26 participants so register early to reserve your child’s spot.
Let me know if you have any questions. I can also be reached at 267-237-6212.
Main Line Chess and Games – 7 South Valley Road, Paoli, PA 19301